We are not the first people trying making money on the web. There have been a very large number of million dollar experiments inspired by Steve Pavlina(He is a pro blogger and helps other bloggers make money!!) and I have seen many kick-off with a lot of enthusiasm, but many eventually quit due to the time consuming thing(blogging of course!).

See its not Get Rich Quick scheme. You have to be patient and it may take years for the same. So to make things interesting and get going, a target of a Thousand dollars is not that meagre especially for a geek money maker like me.

On the lines of Steve Pavlina (http://www.stevepavlina.com/million-dollar-experiment.htm), I want to explain the reasons to Join the Thousand Dollar Experiment:
1.Help participate in a global thought experiment to experience the power of intention.
2.Focus your thoughts on the goal of attracting wealth in a way that serves the greater good.
3.There's no downside other than investing a fraction of your time each day in holding the intention.
4.If there is a superconscious effect to this experiment, you will be on the receiving end of other people's positive intentions.
5.Even if the effect is purely subconscious in nature, you may become more attuned to financial opportunities in your life right now.
6.What if it works?
7.It's 100% free! And there's no catch!

You will say that Steve had written it some years ago and we are late in the process, but Its never too late actually. There are still plenty of opportunities available and so there are no excuses!!!. I don't know how many of you will be interested. But whoever will be, will surely reap from it.

And don't forget the mantra:

I know its neither too much nor too less,
But a thousand dollars is what I need to possess,
I know that I have only one year to go,
But in a positive way I $EEK DOLLAR$ and you should also.

Chant this everytime you sit before the computer, on the internet. I am not that poetic and I need to study(remember I am a college student). But don't worry about that. I will update this site. Still we are on $0-00.

Good night!